Wednesday, November 18, 2009


In order to better serve you we're going to feature offers, profiles, and events at one location: Save1x on Facebook and Twitter!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Luigi's Pizza & Pasta

Luigi's takes pride in their product. They go to great lengths to provide their customers with what we believe to be the best pizza anywhere. They use only the finest, freshest cheese and ingredients. Luigi's pizza and pasta sauces as well as our pizza dough is made fresh daily here in their kitchen and from more than 35 years of experience.

Every pizza is custom made to order and then baked in real deck ovens giving it the
final touch. Come in, relax in their quaint little pizzeria and enjoy real quality Chicago Style Pizza the way it was meant to be, the old fashioned way.

Luigi's Pizza and Pasta is part of the Save1x Network, you can view their profile here or their website here.